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Booked 3.8.3 is here!

Booked Scheduler

Change Log


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added Schedule option to prevent booking over blocked periods
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added customizable Reservation Notification Rules
  • Added the ability to only collect custom reservation attributes during specific reservation times
  • Added the ability for the reservation owner to to set a reservation display color
  • Added the ability to add end-user instructions or information for custom attributes
  • Added the ability to display accessories in reservation labels
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added ability to collect reservation and user custom attribute values for groups of users
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Improved email template editor with live preview
  • Improved performance and functionality of resource tablet view
  • Added option to hide empty report columns
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Updated Dutch translation
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added “Today” and “This Week” options to monitor views
  • Added ability to include custom CSS for monitor views
  • Improvements to monthly recurrence configuration
  • Limit report access for lower level administrators by default
  • Updated Czech translation
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Improved “favorite resource” experience
  • Improved check-in workflow
  • Improved guest booking workflow
  • Updated Dutch translation
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Updated Japanese translation
  • Updated Vietnamese translation
  • Added option for enabling advanced security protection
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added new report range options
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added schedule filter for resource status
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


Release Notes

  • Added ability to pay for reservations directly within the reservation workflow, with custom pricing rules and deposits
  • Reservation custom attributes can now be conditionally dependent on other custom attribute values
  • Added a new reservation custom attribute type that allows individual users to manage possible values
  • Added ability to configure attribute-based rules for automatically adding users to groups
  • Updated credit replenishment rules to allow for maximum credits
  • Updated credit replenishment rules with option to set credits to a fixed amount
  • Added ability for specific user groups to bypass reservation approval
  • Added ability to set min/max resource notification rules per user group
  • Added ability to show/hide user groups from reservation participant/co-owner lists
  • Added ability to configure monitor view event display details for list view
  • Added ability to use multiple custom attribute filters in addition to other filters for monitor views
  • Added report range options for “next week” and “next month”
  • Added participants and co-owners to reservation import
  • Additional reservation label tokens
  • Added authenticator app support for multi-factor authentication
  • API authentication can now use API keys
  • Support for SimpleSAMLphp 2.x
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


Facebook has removed the functionality that allowed for our zero-configuration Facebook Login feature. To use Facebook Login, an OAuth integration must be set up using Facebook’s developer portal. We’ll have a guide for this in the future.

Google Login is unaffected.


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Updated German translation
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Allow Markdown in announcements and resource description and notes
  • Removed the ability to set custom HTML content in announcements and resource details
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added ability to add all users to a group
  • Added ability to select a group of users as co-owners
  • Upgraded logging (requires new configuration settings)
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Updated Polish translation
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Updated Polish translation
  • Updated Czech translation
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added configuration option to enable or disable ‘Allow others to join’ reservations
  • Added configuration options for what data is populated in the description attribute of ICS feeds
  • Added the approver name and approval date time (if available) to reservations in Reservation Management
  • Security updates, bugfixes, UI improvements, and performance improvements


  • Include slot times on labelled reservation slots
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Security email sent when user updates their password
  • Better messaging when failed login for inactive account
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added support for PHP 8.2
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Reservations can now be deleted or ended when released from a missed check-in
  • Updated Spanish translation
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Updated Czech translation
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added Resource Maps
  • Added support for 3rd party OAuth SSO
  • Improvements to reservation colors
  • Added configuration option to skip “first login” welcome
  • Added reservation delete reason to reporting columns
  • Updated Dutch and Czech translations
  • Dropped support for PHP 7.4. PHP 8+ is now the minimum supported version of PHP
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Quota enforcement can now be skipped as the reservation time approaches
  • Added ability to search/filter resources by owner, co-owner, or participant
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes


  • Bugfixes


  • Bugfixes


  • Bugfixes


  • Resources must now be set to public in order to appear on the public schedule and calendar views
  • Added ability to add reservation co-owners
  • Added multi-select custom attributes
  • Added link custom attributes
  • Added one-way resource relationships
  • Added ability to set preferred date and time format from personal profile
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes


  • Added ability to automatically create and manage Zoom meetings from Booked reservations
  • Load all Booked static JavaScript assets from private CDN
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added optional meeting link to reservations
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added alerts in the primary navigation bar for upcoming reservations
  • Added email and SMS alerts when the reservation check in time was missed
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added email notification to user when their reservation is automatically extended
  • Added ability to view and cancel reservation waitlist requests
  • Added ability to edit saved reports
  • Added schedule name to reports
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • SMS message notifications for reservation activity
  • Added ability to use custom reservation attributes to filter reports
  • Added ability to schedule automated reports via email
  • Added ability to use group list as a reservation label
  • Added a configuration option for number of reservations to show on a monitor view list
  • Added a configuration option to force users to provide a reason when cancelling a reservation
  • Added ability to search resources by partial name match in Application Management
  • Updates to multiple translations
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added ability to bulk update resources
  • Added links to reservation attachments in emails
  • Allow forcing a password update without changing the existing password
  • Added configuration option for default first weekday
  • Updates to Dutch and Catalan translations
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added quota option to enforce over a certain number of hours
  • Added ability to enforce a quota at an interval – for example every 3 days instead of every day
  • Added ability to limit users available for participation by group membership
  • Added ability to hide user email addresses on reservation form
  • Added ability to limit the number of invitees to the capacity of the reservation
  • Added reservation settings management page
  • Added option to show check in/out status on the schedule view
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Updated print reservation page to allow for multiple resources
  • Added support for reCAPTCHA 3
  • Added calendar display for monitor view
  • Language updates
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added support for PHP 8
  • Added dedicated print page for reservation lists
  • Added ability to group multi-resource reservations on the monitor view
  • Added ability to set the reservation minimum participants
  • Added an option to fully disable profile updates
  • Added an option to disable timezone updates
  • Added an option to use a custom help link
  • Language updates
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Resource colors are now shown across all resource selectors
  • Retain the number of days visible choice for schedules
  • Force refresh when logo or CSS is changed
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Cleaner, more usable appointment scheduling
  • Added ability to print reservation details
  • Added API for changing user status
  • Added custom attributes to API reservation list response
  • Added setting to force user timezone to configured system timezone
  • Added setting to restrict reports to application administrators
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added ability to view owner and participant details on the reservation screen
  • Added configuration option for when reservation resources are shown as a checkbox list instead of a filterable select list
  • Added configuration to show a detailed or simple reservation confirmation screen
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added ability to change the visible days on the schedule
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added ability to show all reservations for a resource type or resource group on the monitor view
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • A complete UI redesign, focusing on consistency and ease of use
  • Full monitor view redesign, with the ability to add multiple monitor view configurations
  • Enhanced security options, including multi-factor authentication, forced password reset, and stronger backend security
  • Added the ability to bulk replenish user credits on demand or on a schedule
  • Added an option to extend reservations if the user does not check out
  • Added an option to only allow administrative users to check in/out of reservations
  • When reserving using a mobile device, resources and accessories can be added by scanning a QR code
  • Added the ability for an administrator to bulk reassign reservation ownership
  • Added the ability to set favorite resources on the availability dashboard
  • Missed checkin emails for administrators
  • Simplified background jobs setup
  • Dropped migration support for older phpScheduleIt instances


  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


  • Added ability to set resource relationships
  • Bugfixes
Read More


  • Added ability to set a user concurrent reservation limit
  • Bugfixes


  • Added to set a reservation label uniquely per resource
  • Updated tablet display to handle concurrent reservations
  • Updated monitor display to handle concurrent reservations
  • Bugfixes


  • Added ability to charge credits for accessories
  • Added option to charge credits per reservation or per slot
  • Added option to charge credits for unavailable slots
  • Added ability to have api-only users
  • Bugfixes


  • Added import and export of groups
  • Updated Danish translation
  • Allow lower level administrators edit in-progress reservations
  • Added optional email to be sent to users when changing resource status
  • Added setting to show week numbers on calendars
  • Added settings to require phone, position, and organization during registration
  • Bugfixes


  • Allow reservations on the schedule to be filtered by owner or participant
  • Include participant list in reports output
  • Add resource concurrency to resource import and export
  • Bugfixes


  • Do not require logging in to set up resource tablet display
  • Bugfixes
  • Added the ability to set a limit on the number of concurrent reservations per resource
  • Removed the ability to set a schedule as allowing unlimited concurrent reservations per resource
  • Bugfixes
  • Added ability to limit the total number of concurrent reservations for a schedule
  • Added ability to limit the number of resources per reservation for a schedule
  • Added ability to repeat a reservation on non-sequential dates
  • Updated PayPal API to version 2
  • Added option to sync group membership when logging in via SAML
  • Updated Portuguese, German, and Spanish translations
  • Updated PhpCAS to 1.3.8
  • MySQL 8+ compatibility
  • Bugfixes
  • Added a configuration option to show whether a reservation is new or updated for a period of time
  • Added Hungarian translation
  • Bugfixes
  • Added email notifications when participants of a reservation accept or decline invites
  • Added reservation waitlist signup on view reservation page
  • Added ability to restrict guests from using tablet view
  • Notify users if the creation of a blackout time deletes their reservation
  • Updated Portuguese and Finnish translations
  • Bugfixes
  • Added utilization reports
  • Added ability to find a specific time
  • Added recurring reservation series ending emails
  • Added credits to reservation emails
  • Added link to add to Google Calendar to reservation emails
  • Bugfixes
  • Added availability view to reservation page
  • Added participant list to reservation emails
  • Redesign of resource tablet display
  • Added ability to search for reservations that missed checkin/checkout
  • Bugfixes
  • Added ability to set user status on CSV import
  • Added ability to share reservation details via email
  • Added ability set the resources, groups, and schedules a group can administer from Groups tool
  • Bugfixes
  • Added monitor display view
  • Resolved accessibility issues
  • Added Serbian language
  • Bugfixes
  • Added ability to purchase credits
  • Added credit usage to the reservation page
  • Added ability to set comma or semicolon delimited configuration setting to allow multiple admin emails
  • Added ability to send a reservation to Google Calendar
  • Added ability to select a resource image while adding
  • Added ability to begin a reservation directly from Slack
  • Added ability to set default group membership
  • Added ability to require terms of service acknowledgment
  • Added ability to set login page announcements
  • Added ability to set schedule availability dates
  • Added ability to configure different minimum notice rules for reservation add, edit and delete
  • Added ability to allow multiple reservations on the same resource at the same time for a schedule
  • Added ability to set multiple resource images
  • Added ability to set view-only resource permissions
  • Added ability to sync group membership from LDAP and CAS
  • Added ability to set fully custom layout slots
  • Added blackouts to schedule and resource calendar view
  • Added view calendar page
  • Added ability to embed a Booked calendar view on an external website
  • Added ability to require reservation title and description
  • Added user groups to report output
  • Added ability to set custom favicon
  • Added ability to customize email messages
  • Added ability to bulk delete resources
  • Resource QR code will open ongoing reservation if it requires check in
  • Added ability to find an open recurring time
  • Upgraded jQuery to latest
  • Bugfixes
  • Added ability to see real time availability when selecting additional resources
  • Added the ability to set a delete/reject reason
  • Added the ability to update users and resources on import from CSV
  • Allow setting phone, organization and position when creating a user from the admin section
  • Better highlight pending reservations on Dashboard and popups
  • Optimize JavaScript file loading for better page rendering times
  • Bugfixes
  • Added ability to search for reservations
  • Added ability to send user an email when an account is created for them
  • Added option to show captcha on login
  • Updated reCaptcha to use nocaptcha
  • If recurring start and end dates are not the same, then include both in the emails
  • Added Basque language
  • Added Thai language
  • Bugfixes
  • Added ability to set default start and end reminders
  • Added ability to import resources from CSV
  • Added ability to export resources to CSV
  • Added ability to export users to CSV
  • Added ability to include custom attributes in user CSV import
  • Added ability to import reservations from CSV
  • Added ability to bulk delete users
  • Added ability to bulk delete reservations
  • Added ability to bulk delete blackouts
  • Added ability to drag and drop reservations from calendar views
  • Added ability to select multiple options for most report filters
  • Added password update API
  • Added ability to set number of past and future days to include for Atom and iCalendar subscriptions
  • Added ability to apply configured default homepage to existing users
  • Saved reports and exported reports will use same columns
  • Added credits to manage reservations and reports
  • Show if a reservation is pending approval on popups and edit page
  • Added config option to notify users if they missed their reservation check in time
  • Numerous security fixes
  • Bugfixes
  • Ensure only one reminder email is sent per reservation when multiple resources are booked
  • Added Vietnamese
  • Added ability to automatically fill in blocked time slots based on gaps in available slots
  • Added ability to update a reservation before approving it
  • Added resource type filter to reports
  • Bugfixes
  • Use resource color on availability dashboard
  • Display reservations for multiple resources as one item on dashboard
  • Better handling of dates on the reservation page when an entire day is unavailable
  • Upgrade PHPMailer
  • Bugfixes
  • Include resource name in all email subjects
  • Added ‘Today’ link to schedule navigation
  • Added real time accessory quantity availability
  • Added ability to include email and phone in reservation popup
  • Added support for MySQL 5.7+
  • Added use sso flag for Active Directory authentication
  • Added user available credits to the reservation page
  • Added ability to copy a resource
  • Added Russian
  • Bugfixes and security updates
  • Added ability to invite users to join Booked
  • Added ability to repeat multi-day reservations
  • Added additional columns to reports
  • Bugfixes
  • Updated French language pack
  • Bugfixes
  • Mobile first, fully responsive user interface
  • Allow guests to book and be invited to reservations
  • Allow users to join wait list if requested time not available
  • Control resource usage with credits
  • Ability to request that users check in and out of reservations, optionally auto-releasing the reservation
  • Allow users to sign in using Facebook or Google
  • Require users to register with an email address from a known domain
  • Set specific days and hours which quotas are enforced
  • Allow quotas to exclude completed reservations
  • Added ability to search for an available time rather than browsing schedule
  • Require minimum and maximum number of accessories when specific resources are booked
  • Ability to restrict announcements to certain groups or users with access to certain resources
  • Added ability to book around conflicting reservations
  • Added ability to set reservation color by user, resource, or custom attribute value
  • Added tablet view that can be used to display resource schedule and allow sign ups
  • Added private custom attributes
  • Added admin-only custom attributes
  • Added resource-aware custom reservation attributes
  • Invites are attached to reservation emails as .ics file
  • On mobile, allow a picture to be taken for resource image
  • The first user to register will automatically be setup as the primary admin
  • Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
  • Added ability to change the visible days on the schedule
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements
Booked Scheduler